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Moderation strike: what is going on between the moderators and Stack Overflow (stackoverflow.com)
3 points by taubek 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I suppose I joined the strikers yesterday.

FWIW, I follow a handful of low-traffic tags and post quite a few of the answers there. And I close bad questions and delete bad answers. ("Bad questions" means ones that are far from good, "qood" means that other people can google that kind of question in the future, find this question and get a good answer to their problems.)

Yesterday a couple arrived that I didn't handle. I answered an off-topic yes/no question with "yes". Because what's the point. If I can't delete GPT's plausible-looking spew, what's the point in spending effort on other noise? Sigh.

I hope that SO will accept your demands. You are doing a heavy lifting for them.

Not for them. I want to improve the world by facilitating various things. For example, I want people to write more and better IMAP clients and use webmail less, so I answer IMAP questions. As it happens I know a lot about IMAP, and put that knowledge to use in a small way.

SO's business model is to make a profit by helping me do such things, and helping others do similarish things. That's a good way to earn a living.

I get it. You love to share the knowledge, help along the way and learn new things. I've never thought about SO on that way.

Writing software that boosts positive behaviour within a community is devilishly difficult IMNSHO. Those who do it deserve all they earn.

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