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Can Anyone Fix California? (vanityfair.com)
1 point by jseliger 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

It's already time for this week's "California (and especially the bay area!!1~) is doomed" article?

I foolishly believed the meme would work in getting us back to a reasonable ~30M or so. Sigh.

no but it's going to be the most beautiful fall of an empire since rome

I moved to California recently. Bay area. It's sort of a crazy state. I'd say it's the closest thing in the US to anarcho-capitalism. You have billionaire towns that normal people aren't even allowed to enter (Atherton), right near massive homeless encampments where the laws simply aren't enforced. You have a bunch of well off tech workers living with a massive underclass (and I don't understand how this underclass affords to live here). Waymo cars sharing the streets with sketchy, fully tinted, modded out Honda and Toyota sedans (seriously, what is with these?).

If California really is the future for America, it confirms what I've long suspected - it's gonna be a lot better to be rich than poor in the future.

> it's gonna be a lot better to be rich than poor in the future

Bold prediction.

In all seriousness, though, I’ll make my own bold prediction. I don’t think Cali is the future for America. There are broad swaths of the country where California politics will not fly, and it’ll take a long time to change that.

> anarcho-capitalism

Yet you won’t find a single libertarian on HN who appreciates that.

> better to be rich than poor

Even the poorest has a smartphone. As Gibson said 20 years ago:

“The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed.”

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