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Ansible Creator on CentOS Controversy (laserllama.substack.com)
3 points by transpute 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

The article mentions Amazon Linux. AFAIK, Amazon Linux is built from Fedora.

This move is largely aimed at Oracle Linux, I guess.

Bemoaning RedHats decision to restrict source to customers while having an annoying disruptive modal come up on your page.


> Please don't complain about tangential annoyances—e.g. article or website formats, name collisions, or back-button breakage. They're too common to be interesting.

It's not tangential. You clearly didn't read the post. The complaint is about RedHat controlling their content while this author is doing the same. It's simple hypocrisy. So your news guidelines don't apply to my comment.

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