You can find discrepancies in anything if you want to enough.
I can’t convince you of anything because all of the data is classified or under HIPPA. All we can do is trust the highly credentialed people about their general findings. Gary Nolan is a world renowned pathologist that has started several NASDAQ companies. The CIA sought him out to investigate Havana syndrome because he created a new MRI machine (I think? Some kind of brain scanning device) that is world class.
I don’t follow Havana syndrome closely enough specifically because we are less likely to see that data than we are the upcoming revelations from congress of some non-human technology.
Would you mind emailing Gary ( with your concerns? I’ve gotten a response from him on some concerns I had with an interview he did. He’s a very nice fellow and he tries to respond to every inquiry from w what I understand. If you send a respectful letter asking detailing your thoughts on the public discussion of Havana syndrome and ask him some general questions about the work he did with patients experiencing it, I am certain he will respond (albeit probably not in a timely manner).
That said: it is not difficult to imagine a certain bias towards making an interesting finding, when given such an assignment by the government.
The lack of a control group and blinding makes every result of such a scanning study very vulnerable to such biases.
Hence, I would advise placing very little weight behind its findings.