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> It’s the worst of a leaky abstraction

This stems from the fact that SQL itself is a very leaky abstraction: each RDBMS implementation is different, and the common part is shallow. There is no way to optimize a query in an RDBMS-agnostic way.

Actually, ORMs are worse than a leaky abstraction: they border on cheating! They actually abstract the easy, boring part away, but they run with their tail between their legs as soon as the issue becomes interesting.

> They actually abstract the easy, boring part away, but they run with their tail between their legs as soon as the issue becomes interesting.

This is the biggest offense, IMO. It's not just that ORMs are a leaky abstraction, it's that they're just a bad abstraction--leaky or not. We don't really need an abstraction to make easy things easier, and we certainly don't need/want an abstraction that makes hard things even harder!

There's a famous quote that always comes to mind when I encounter stuff like this. I've seen it attributed to several people, so I'm not positive, but I think it was from Larry Wall: "Make easy things easy and hard things possible."

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