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Thanks for the interest! We have transparent pricing here: https://quant-aq.com/pricing

Short answer, $1500 + $300 annually (includes cellular, realtime data calibration in our cloud, and full API access).

Relevant to the topic above, we are building for a slightly different market than AirGradient, and want to make sure we're an appropriate solution for potential customers -- you might genuinely be better served by a different product! As such, we're currently not optimized for low touch single sales to individuals, but it's something we'd like to improve in the future.

If you do contact sales, and we end up being a good fit for what you're looking for, we'd love to help!

Iā€™d be interested in a prosumer version of this that ditches the LTE and cloud system for wall power + WiFi or (ideally) PoE with a fully local backend via home assistant

I am curious, how do you do real-time calibration in the cloud?

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