Even so, I did a quick search on repology and Nix derivations with multiple outputs (the nix lingo analogous to the subpackages you mentioned) are counted as a single package. For example, bash has 5 outputs but only counts for 1 package in the 85k figure, so I think comparing 900 packages to 85k is a valid comparison.
Anyway, this is all besides the point I was trying to make which is that I don't see why I should use _yet another_ software distribution that has 1% of the amount of packages found in a mature distribution that already has frequent automatic updates and bleeding-edge software revisions.
We needed Wolfi to be able to create minimal (distroless if you like) container images based on glibc with 0 vulnerabilities. Turns out a lot of other people are interested in Wolfi for various reasons, and we're more than happy to work with them.