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Tech's era of generosity is over, as SV replaces freebies with airlinestyle fees (fortune.com)
4 points by drubio 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

There are two different cases. One is where new "industries" like social media have been created and people are now trying to figure out how to really monetize them. In some ways, this is a breath of fresh air, for example paid search instead of ad supported.

On the other hand, there are companies that "disrupted" existing industries by buying revenue (uber, wework, etc) that now have to try and make a profit without any of their real core value proposition, and hope that they drove enough competitors out of business that they can stay viable. It's these ones that will be more painful for everyone. Has anyone looked at how expensive it is to get uber eats now? 2-3x take out price for a stale cold meal just isn't sustainable.

And then there's amazon that just decided to use their monopoly to force a giant shitty flea market on everyone. That's the one that makes the least sense.

What I find really irritating aren't the for fee services but the hybrids that want to charge a fee and show you ads without any appreciable change in service.

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