That's a nice long reply - I'll try and keep my response a bit shorter.
You (and many many of the replies in thread) have taken the initial topic (kiosk escape -vs- parental controls) and are defending their definition as a serious security threat by likening them to social engineering attacks on medical staff. These are separate scenarios with separate threat models. If your child is sending confidential corporate data to malicious third parties through the Android settings app you may have a separate set of problems beyond software controls.
Overall, much of the finer details of yours & others' replies amount to an extreme level of theoretical pedantry around technical classification of threats, completely removed from any kind of real-world analysis of their severity.
I'll keep it short too: You don't understand what (many) people are trying to explain to you, and are coming to dangerously incorrect conclusions. If many people are giving you the same feedback, it should trigger something in your head, but somehow, it doesn't. You don't even seem to be trying to understand or considering the fact you might be missing something, so I'm giving up.
Please do not ever build systems which ever touch any sort of critical data or which work on consumer devices outside of a sandbox until you've picked up basic clue about security.
You (and many many of the replies in thread) have taken the initial topic (kiosk escape -vs- parental controls) and are defending their definition as a serious security threat by likening them to social engineering attacks on medical staff. These are separate scenarios with separate threat models. If your child is sending confidential corporate data to malicious third parties through the Android settings app you may have a separate set of problems beyond software controls.
Overall, much of the finer details of yours & others' replies amount to an extreme level of theoretical pedantry around technical classification of threats, completely removed from any kind of real-world analysis of their severity.