> I mean, honestly, people who created YAML probably saw it as an inconsequential, sketchy project that should take maybe a weekend or two. They didn't plan for this format to be the best... they just made something... that sort of did something... but not really. I have no idea why something like this received the acclaim that it did.
One of the co-creators responded [1] to an article [2] about how Yaml is “not that great” on this site.
It comes off to me as, well we did it for free and people use it so I’m happy abuot it.
Well, if something is free, it does make it good, just not in engineering sense...
It's valid to make things w/o thorough design or deep knowledge of the domain you work in. It's a good way to learn how to do things. The blame isn't with the authors. The blame is with the community which mistook YAML for a good configuration format.
One of the co-creators responded [1] to an article [2] about how Yaml is “not that great” on this site.
It comes off to me as, well we did it for free and people use it so I’m happy abuot it.
[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17358548
[2] https://www.arp242.net/yaml-config.html