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> the ways the vagus nerve can totally fuck with your mental state is terrifying, and there are people with dysfunctions that are five times worse

What are some examples of this?

Late reply, but I have a friend with panic disorder who has had attacks from her heart fluttering, or even just eating food that makes her gassy. It's a straight shot from the vagus to your adrenal glands. I heard a term for this somewhere but Google is failing me utterly today.

She's in some sort of program now that if I understand what they're actually doing, they're trying to manage the vagus response.

ADHD people who eat stuff they really shouldn't, their vagus nerve "starts acting up" (i'm too lazy to get my notebooks) and their ADHD-symptoms are amplified. same goes for a lot of food-induced conditions. different exercises targeting the vagus nerve help to alleviate (the) stress.

Please get your notebooks if you can. You have piqued my interest, and I have not read more information correlating the waxing/waning of symptoms of ADHD with food. The idea seems completely rational, but I am curious what foods make a difference, which should be avoided, etc..

Do you have any links with further information on vagus nerve association, these problematic foods, and the exercises?

Also breathing with a constant, calm rhythm to switch the brain from panic/anxiety mode into coherent thought.

vagus nerve stimulation for treatment resistant depression.

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