> Systemd has tools for that, such as systemctl cat which shows all applicable configuration and what files they come from.
Sure, it could be that systemd does have amazing tooling for helping users with the burdens they have created. Or, given the very mixed feelings about systemd, maybe they've tried to be user focused but not hit the mark. I don't know enough to say.
But my point is that either way responses of the form "it's so easy, you just have to remember [9 paragraphs of detail users don't care about]" are part of the problem, not the solution.
Systemd didn't create this problem. But it solves the issue of distributions shipping config files as part of packages and then on every package upgrade having to reconcile between the distribution's config and your modifications. Now with the drop in system you don't need to do that.
I am not an expert but I think in general systemd has a lot of complexity but it's to handle existing issues in a better way. Some of the older init systems might be simpler to describe or get started but lead to more confusing situations in the long run.
"Make it as easy as possible, but not simpler". I think this applies perfectly here. Systemd has very complicated requirements due to its very unique position in a Linux distribution. And as a (power) end-user of it, you basically need you basically needs to touch only /etc
> Systemd has very complicated requirements due to its very unique position in a Linux distribution.
But are all those requirements actually necessary for the job it's doing? Or have its developers imposed artificial constraints through their choices in designing systemd that make it more complex than it could otherwise be?
The combination of distributions existing and believing they “own” parts of the system, and users needing to override settings means it is as simple as possible, and no simpler.
A distribution 'owning' a directory means that the package manager is allowed to change files in there, and allowed to assume nothing major was changed from what it installed.
A distribution that doesn't own any directories like this effectively can't make any changes. It's like writing a class without private fields.
Sure, it could be that systemd does have amazing tooling for helping users with the burdens they have created. Or, given the very mixed feelings about systemd, maybe they've tried to be user focused but not hit the mark. I don't know enough to say.
But my point is that either way responses of the form "it's so easy, you just have to remember [9 paragraphs of detail users don't care about]" are part of the problem, not the solution.