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Your kidding right, I mean teams is not great, but compared to the UI rubbish of zoom and slack?

Take for example the whole business of screensharing, if you share a single screen in zoom you get black blocks for all the zoom windows. Yes it makes sense that I don't share the window with participants, but at least let me freaking close it. Similarly moving the controls from bottom to top of the screen reliably confuses early (and even more advanced users).

And don't get me started on quoting text or including math in slack and what is the whole threads section?!

It feels like a quarter of the time screenshare doesn't even work in Teams and it's noticably choppier when it does work.

Code blocks working in Teams is inconsistent, and it seems to add additional spaces when copying.

Quoting & mentions also sucks. The channels, chats, activity screens are always a mess, feel like UX bandaid.

Private channel limits are garbage.

Search and discovery sucks.

There's inconsistent options for the calendar between Outlook & Teams. Don't you dare expect functional compatibility between MS products. Scheduling assistant sucks, sometimes confuses itself when people are busy.

The UX seems to rely on a myriad of nested menus & modals that are XHR backed, so each one lags. Even just typing text feels slow. It's as fluid as molasses.

> and it seems to add additional spaces when copying

It regularly adds _fake spaces_ to code blocks. People paste working code/SQL into their things and all spaces were replaced with mysterious utf8 that are invisible like spaces.

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