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Apple and Google won’t give us root

An open and flexible boot loader would also be nifty. The ability to dynamically boot into any of several operating systems on the same phone could be useful for testing new OS versions without fear of bricking the device. This should make vendors less apprehensive about updating devices by removing the risk of bricking them. Get rid of internal storage and have a slot for an OS card with multiple boot partitions and a slot for multimedia. Add to this every phone OS must have a proper file manager and terminal shell by default.

Adding to this the lack of open source hardware and firmware is problematic for e2ee. I believe there is a lack of transparency around attestation and chain of custody in the entire build process and not just for the SoC but also the modular baseband modems.

I would personally like to see entirely modular, upgradable and serviceable phones similar to FairPhone but even more open and easier to swap parts. 6G deprecates 5G? No problem, pop out the 5G module and pop in the 6G in its external slot. Rijndael+E2EE found weak? Pop in the Twofish+Serpent+E2EE Custom encryption module. Or the AI-CoProcessor. Or the MIDI module. Or the Hack-RF module!

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