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baud147258 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite

Uh, it's not "phobia", they're openly shelling civilians and have been for a year.

Conflating the actions of a government with it's people. Even in a democracy that leads to dehumanizing. Love the people, respect the people, win over the people, topple the government.

Edit: you gotta remember that they are being told that anyone against them, or perceived to be, is wrong and bad and these are the reasons. Do you win that over with further hate? Do you win that over with unification and respect?

Let's look at the response to this war compared to the US/UK war on Iraq, which was much worse and much less provoked. Very telling.

In contrast to the current zeitgeist, the day after Britain declared war on Germany, the BBC held a Wagnerfest: https://www.bbc.co.uk/events/rjbnc8/by/date/1939/09/04

If anything, German composers seem to have became more popular in Britain at that time. I can only hazard a guess, but it may have been symbolic -- a rejection of the Nazi claims to all of German culture and German exceptionalism.

Always just blaming the leaders instead of the population is too easy. Russia is a democracy, albeit a flawed one, and Putin has wide support.

Of course discriminating against individuals just because they are Russian isn't justified either.

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