What's your time estimate then, if you believe 2 weeks is wrong? Or could it be that you don't have a time estimate, but you can't imagine the world being different than it currently is?
This topic has been submitted to death of course, but others might find Murray's take interesting: It is very hard to see how Prigozhin and Putin both come out of this alive.
Craig Murray is an interesting one. All the new wave right wingers portay themselves as independent thinkers who disparately analyse the data and just so happen to rationally consistently comes to conclusions that "the libs" hate. They're all grifters, of course.
I believe Craig Murray is one of the few exceptions. He's an actual independent thinker who happens to ruffle a lot of feathers on the left. I disagree with him most of the times, but appreciate his intelectual honesty.
This faux bicameralism of "the left" (aka "the libs") V. "the right" is a deeply flawed seppoism, one of their more toxic exports.
For many, particularly central north americans, Craig Murray as a prominent human rights campaigner who actively rebelled against wearing a military uniform and an actual one time President of the East Anglian Federation of Young Liberals is clearly one of "the libs".
Of course then there's the twist that Commonwealth Liberals are typically "of the right" or at least Conservatives .. and the further twist that large numbers (but not all) Commonwealth Conservatives support policy that would be "Left" in USofA politics.
It's probably better to avoid all that nonsnse and just take Murray on the basis of his bio and his writings.
Fair play - HN has a significant number of UK | Canadian | Australian | European members who generally have a broader view of the political landscape .. but it is at core a US centric forum and frequently slips into a stereotypical Left V. Right hole.
As an Australian I fall to the left of US politics, I largely agree with the bulk of Craig Murray's writing on UK Immigration under the Tories:
Incidentally, comments like the one in your link are the kind that I imagine will ruffle feathers "on the left", in fact I can imagine many will react with "oMg rAcIsT"[1] where my view is this is a person with a degree of domain expertise that you'll rarely find anywhere else who at the same time by virtue of being very self-consistent throughout time should be believed to be coming from a place of intelectual honesty. Thanks for the link BTW
[1] for example the line "Equally very large numbers are allowed in on the basis of entirely fraudulent applications and forged documents." I can assure you will trigger some "on the left" because omg he's saying that some immigrants shouldn't be allowed in. He himself feel the need to follow up that line with "We liberals are not supposed to admit that side of the equation, but it is true." just so the reader isnt confused on which side he's on.
As someone on the actual Australian left I can't see many I know on the left being concerned about the full context of that quote:
Businesses in the UK suffer massive damage from important export customers being inexplicably refused visas, *equally very large numbers are allowed in on the basis of entirely fraudulent applications and forged documents*
It's very clear he is not talking about people in need, asylum seekers, families seeking to reconnect, etc - he's talking about the domain of "immigration for business reasons" being a shit show of random refusals coupled with free passes handed out to the clearly bogus.
Your comment suggests you have some overly broad cartoon characterisation of what you imagine to be "the left".
Part of the charm of the place, an upvoted comment when the Poms are awake gets downvoted to oblivion when the Yanks are drinking their morning coffee (and vice versa of course).
So ... what? ... Surely it's very unlikely that both these things turn out to be true.