FYI for all: the cheapest source of standards available in English (that I have found) is the Estonian Centre for Standardisation and Accreditation:
Prices are generally single to low double-digit Euros (even for standards that are hundreds or 1000+ dollars).
If you are a solo contractor like me (and hence only need one copy), DON'T get the single licence copies. You need to use some BS DRM software that binds the file to your computer and is a PITA.
Get the organisation one, pay for two licenses, and you'll be given a regular PDF instead (and still save hundreds of dollars).
You obviously will only get the Estonian specific annexes, but those are normally optional anyway, and generally available for free when downloading the "free sample" of a standard for a specific country.
Damn :( That's very unfortunate (and I am sorry if I got your hopes up). I should have specified that I've only searched for and purchased hardware specific standards not software ones.
Prices are generally single to low double-digit Euros (even for standards that are hundreds or 1000+ dollars).
If you are a solo contractor like me (and hence only need one copy), DON'T get the single licence copies. You need to use some BS DRM software that binds the file to your computer and is a PITA.
Get the organisation one, pay for two licenses, and you'll be given a regular PDF instead (and still save hundreds of dollars).
You obviously will only get the Estonian specific annexes, but those are normally optional anyway, and generally available for free when downloading the "free sample" of a standard for a specific country.