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I agree with most of this take. Maybe not the whole healthcare crashing down thing, but the rest is spot-on after my personal experience and watching others.

The effectiveness of this drug class cannot be overstated. In fact, I believe most are understating just how damn effective it is due to both personal/social shame, and not quite believing in something "too good to be true". The truth is if you have a modicum of ability to accomplish hard goals in life, but have had issues losing weight, you will find this drug to be too effective. I feel very confident in stating that for the selection of people the first statement is legitimately true for. It is absolutely nothing short of a magic pill for many people who fit this description.

I can only describe the effects comparable to that of opioids or benzos. Literally hours later.

For most folks the side effects are quite trivial. The lean muscle mass loss from what I can tell is entirely a red herring, and occurs in anyone not changing activity levels but losing 15-20% of their body weight due to severe calorie deficit over 3-6mo. No one I know who lost significant weight on these meds lost more lean mass than you would expect via napkin math. Increasing activity level 50% or so (not hard for most obese folks) counteracts much of this.

Short of an unknown severe side effect for long-term use, or it definitely becoming ineffective over time, this will be a society changing drug on the level of antibiotics or painkillers.

It does look like it's much like bariatric surgery - most will "bounce back" after discontinuing use. However, even if that is the case - just the ability for many to now put on 60lbs over the course of a decade and then take if off in 12mo is likely game changing in itself.

I got interested in this drug class when my son was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes - it just started coming up in news feeds ~5 years ago. I then became more interested as an investor the more I looked into it. If nothing else I firmly believe this will be the most profitable drug class ever invented.

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