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> We need more government propaganda against obesity.

What do you think this "government propaganda" would look like in a way that would be effective? We've been shaming people for decades about being fat and it obviously hasn't reduced obesity rates. I remember a survey from the late 90s or early 00s I think where it asked kids about different disabilities, and the majority said they'd rather lose a limb than be fat.

It's only going to get worse as with the rise of smartphones and other tech in the past 15 years there is ample evidence that kids get much less physical activity then they used to.

It won't get worse, that was my point.

These peptides work. REALLY work. They just need to get cheaper.

Another poster noted that it takes much longer to approve medications for children, so my 5 year prediction may well have been wildly optimistic, but they are already approved for adults.

> We've been shaming people for decades about being fat

The shaming has been decreasing in Western societies with the "body positivity" or "health at any size" movement, if I'm not mistaken.

As it should be, as shaming has proven entirely ineffective, and long term, durable weight loss is extremely rare in any case. In my opinion, if people are overweight, they might as well try to deal with the issues while being happy than while being depressed.

I also think it's really important to separate "body positivity" from the much rarer (and false) instances of "obesity doesn't matter for health." I associate body positivity with things like "the Richard Simmons mindset", i.e. no matter what your weight is that getting up and moving/dancing can feel great and improve your health and your mood, or the "Michelle Obama mindset", that healthy eating should start with eating fruits and vegetables rather than focus on dieting.

Shame even harder.

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