"I have a design I would like produced. Please make it like this please."
I couldn't imagine giving a machinist or welder a drawing containing no annotations. (This would be something an intern does once and the shop calls them up to tell ask them questions about what they actually need for 45min. Probably sending them back to rework it)
Pulling from the mechanical world:
* make 3d models (equivalent to HTML/CSS components)
* put 3d models into an assembly (HTML components together on the page)
* make variations of the assembly to show range of motion (variations on user activity)
* make "drawings" that contain components that are broken down to the smallest practical level (this would map to: modal, tables)
** in software these are usually managed similarly to Spreadsheet tabs
** this would contain a reference to the 3d parts + dimensional annotations. This means updating the assembly/part geometry automatically updates the drawing
* anytime significant changes are made, issue new "Revisions" of those "drawings" are committed, issued, and then sent to the shop
* 3d modeling software has change management systems so you'll automatically know if your proposed changes to a 3d part will break a drawing or assembly that depends on it
I'm also surprised we don't see the utilization of some GD&T style language to specify design intent. (https://www.gdandtbasics.com/gdt-symbols/)
For the problem of:
"I have a design I would like produced. Please make it like this please."
I couldn't imagine giving a machinist or welder a drawing containing no annotations. (This would be something an intern does once and the shop calls them up to tell ask them questions about what they actually need for 45min. Probably sending them back to rework it)
Pulling from the mechanical world: