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Remote work with lots of PTO available (no questions asked) is an order of magnitude more important to me than salary. I'll happily settle for a medium-sized company with a decent tech stack that offers freedom and flexibility.

There is (almost) no salary level that would make me trade the current setup remote work and lots of time off.

I am more motivated to work and be productive than when I worked in an office. And I'm happier about what I do.

Flexibility is the name of the game. I've had offers (non-tech) that are roughly twice my current salary, but at institutions that are VASTLY less flexible than my current employer.

I haven't worked a full week in nearly 12 years, and that's how I want it.

Money is nice, but I can, quite literally, always get more money. Time is the one commodity that I absolutely cannot find more of.

Employers need to understand this.

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