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Ex CTO of CIA Gus Hunt – AI Hits the Data Wall [video] (youtube.com)
4 points by secondary_op 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Gus Hunt is ex CTO of CIA, hist talk from 2013 [1] is famously mentioned in Edward Snowden Permanent Record book (chapter: Part Three - Fourth Estate):

> I’d known Gus slightly from my Dell stint with the CIA. He was one of our top customers, and every vendor loved his apparent inability to be discreet: he’d always tell you more than he was supposed to. For sales guys, he was like a bag of money with a mouth.

> “At the CIA,” he said, “we fundamentally try to collect everything and hang on to it forever.” As if that wasn’t clear enough, he went on: “It is nearly within our grasp to compute on all human generated information.”

[1] Gus Hunt (CTO, CIA) @ GigaOm's Structure:Data 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUPd2uMiXXg

And here is webinar in 2023 where looks like he talks from the same perspective of "Intelligence Community" but this time about AI, LLM.

I liked the presentation. It is not stupid. There are some obvious and some not obvious thoughts explored. I can relate to Gus Hunt as a fellow nerd. It is difficult to stop talking about the job you are very passionate about.

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