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Not OP but also using GitHub Projects. Up until recently projects was just missing critical features like true epics and first class parent child relationships between issues. These are slowly getting added though. There is an entire product called Zenhub that exists to make GitHub issue tracking more sane. I will say the automation story in GitHub Projects is better than Jira imo

I'd say the automation is better but more complicated.

I feel bad for ZenHub. The new GitHub Projects is good enough that you can stop using ZenHub and not miss much. I think GitHub just killed their business. I love they cross project status automation they built. That's one of their killer features.

> better but more complicated

Completely agree. Using GH actions for this is really verbose and clunky, and makes you rely on too many third-parties.

They actually have a light wrapper on GitHub actions in the projects view now that may replace a lot of the really common actions. It’s GUI based and right now it can only do very simple things but I could see it being the new way for less techy people to put basic automation in

“Only do simple things”. It’s basically useless given how little it can do.

Thinking about this a bit more (can’t edit above, so replying to myself).

The other annoying thing about the “simple” method is that it’s also outside of your repo. So that configuration isn’t versioned, it isn’t really present anywhere. Your actions code, clunky as it is, is still code.

Simple and code-driven shouldn’t be mutually exclusive.

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