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The reddit mods are getting what they deserve, they turned reddit into a cancerous echo chamber where the slightest hint of wrong think will get you banned. They made their bed now they get to sleep in it.

Karma is sweet and as someone once said "Popcorn tastes good".

You act like every single mod of every single subreddit is responsible for your grievances. What did they do to you?

My account on reddit is 17 years old, I have watched reddit go from being a smart, nice place where people share knowledge and experiences to a narcissistic black hole of snark and cringe and the new tone was set by the mods.

The only sub I have been banned by is the web dev sub because I replied to some one who said “anyone who uses PHP is an idiot” with “only an idiot would have that opinion”, I was perma banned from webdev and the other person was not. I know many people who have been banned for less.

A house cleaning of the mods would do reddit good. There are some good mods but they are rare and only handle a few niche subs.

Out of interest I looked up your Reddit profile and read those comments, and whilst I (personally) think it's slightly harsh that you were banned rather than warned it's not particularly surprising...

On the thread announcing PHP 8.1's release you first posted:

> If only PHP had a niche like the web... if only. Also the only reason python is used in ML is because data scientist are dumb and can’t write a loop to save their lives, all the advanced ML stuff is not written in python, just manipulated with python because its an “easy” language. > Also its C++ > c# for game dev.

Then in the context of someone asking whether its' worth learning PHP and a user replying that it's not worth it versus other server side languages you replied with:

> It’s almost like your comment comes from a place of ignorance and or stupidity.

Calling people dumb and stupid isn't really conductive to positive and good-faith discussions - if you don't want to put in the effort to a reply simply downvote and move on - similarly if a mod doesn't want to have to deal with discussions trending to toxicity they'll ban and move on.

I’m so glad you went digging this up

I fully stand by my words. It fun that you didn’t show the tone of the parent messages, I’m sure for no reason at all ;)

Two wrongs don't make a right.

So you want to remove potentially good mods from communities because you have had bad experiences with bad mods from different communities. Does that really make sense to you?


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