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Sure, that is also a function of a prison. But unless we are speaking of the relatively rare deranged offender that you lock away for life, most people who land in prisons will be back in a few years.

The goal of prisons is to make the rest of society safer and a better environment so it is in our interest that they don't reoffend or don't learn how to be better criminals in prison. Ultimately that is also a food investment, because prisons cost money and people in prison are not contributing to society in good way. Everybody that does not return is money safed and improves the social climate. So investing at least a bit in order to make them better people is a no brainer.

But sadly there are many who still share the delusion that "tougher punishment will show them" and that "they will think twice if the punishment is harder". This is irrational and there is the data to show it.

I'd rather have the rare hardcore criminal treated to lightly than many troubled people that could be rehabilitated becoming more hardened criminals. Not because I am a good samatarian, but purely out of self interest.

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