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Reddit r/pics votes on reopening with sexy pictures of John Oliver only (reddit.com)
30 points by antman 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

"sexy pictures" and "of John Oliver".

The joke is that's a Venn diagram where the circles don't overlap.

I thought the joke was those two phrases are synonymous.

I checked all posts up to No 890. They are all with John Oliver.

I find John Oliver's politics and humor to be atrocious. To me, John Oliver is the Stereotypical Reddit user.

I'm guessing this is a ploy to get John Oliver to talk about the protests.

Sadly, that won't happen because of the WGA strike.

See, if Reddit weren't blacked out I would know these things :P

Well, Last Week Tonight isn't airing, that should give you a clue :D

Now they went from squatting to vandalizing

According to web archive the creators of the subreddit were users 'renatosil' and 'Resilience'. None of them are mods today. Why do the current moderators act as if they own the channel?

uh... did you read the results of the poll? is that owning or accepting the will of the people?

the will of the poll responders to be precise

That's how all polls ever work.

That's why they are not elections

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