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>Prisons suck at rehabilitating people and thus just make things worse in the long run when you release the people.

I'm not involved in the system personally, but I do remember someone bringing up this sentiment in another thread, and a person responding with some stats showing that prison rehabilitation programs are way more effective than the average person thinks. There are some great people working in the sector that genuinely prevent criminals from returning to their old ways.

I guess it's just one of topics (like homelessness or immigration) where a lot of people have strong, differing opinions but reality says one thing clearly.

I've got another one. Many people think that privatized prisons and their incentives to profit are a major part of the reason we have such high incarceration rates in the US. However, only 8% of prisons in the US are privatized. Also, some states do not have any privatized prisons at all.

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