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> I always wondered why they wouldn't let inmates create value with their skills.

In Germany prisons are to large parts "self sustaining" thus inmates do the cooking, washing, carpenter work, metalworks, car mechanics works, ... including proper apprenticeships in different fields compliant with Germany's apprenticeship system.

Some prisoners also work on service for external customers, one can even buy products directly from jail: https://jva-shop.de/

However pay is very low, way below minimum wage and different cost the state charges prisoners is directly deduced and while in jail the only place they can spend the money on is the shop inside, for cigarettes, sweets, TV sets (requires special permission), ... while that shop owner charges prices based on his monoply ...

But the general idea of German jail system is that after jail inmates should have a chance to find a job with some education etc.

Often failing for different reasons, though.

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