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"Backup transportation solution", it can be public transit, or even a bicycle if it's enough to get you where you need to, but yes that's my opinion.

Even something as simple as an oil change can go wrong. Drain plug broke and you need a new one? Or you forgot to put a gasket and it leaks and now all your oil is on the floor? Well, now you need a trip to the parts store, or order it and wait until parts get there.

In my case, it was a routine maintenance operation: changing brake fluid. I used a power bleeder, and at a third of the pressure specified on the manual, the reservoir ruptured. So now I needed a new reservoir. Parts store didn't have it, and it took 2 weeks to get there.

> at a third of the pressure specified on the manual, the reservoir ruptured

Hey, better this happen while you're wrenching than when you're zooming through the twisties and need to stop

Indeed. In this particular situation it cannot happen since that reservoir is normally not under pressure, but I've had a not properly connected line (my fault) disconnecting while performing an unrelated operation.

Luckily that one was just a quick trip to the parts store to get the right fluid and reconnecting the line properly this time!

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