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I wonder if it's the case.

It's certainly quicker to learn things with LLMs but they hit limitations fairly quickly.

Every project a have worked on has a huge backlog, on launch the MVP is often trimmed back to be even more minimal.

Launch and project end seem dictated by budget.

Maybe we will just end up with software that is more complete.

Did previous productivity tools such as intellisense or before it, IDEs reduce the amount of software built or the amount people were paid, I think the opposite happened.

The whole idea is absurd as if we are operating at the optimal peak level of software and the optimal peak level of knowledge work.

I would imagine there are far more people that work with databases today than there ever were people working on filing papers in a filing cabinet. Filing papers in a file cabinet was a massive constraint on what would be stored.

We are highly underestimating a boom in knowledge work from AI breaking so many constraints on knowledge work.

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