The 3% completion figure initially came from my estimate that only the outro was left to be done, which could feasibly be considered as around 3% of the overall game. However, I hadn't taken several factors into account:
- Releasing on platforms and setting up a Steam account.
- Marketing and creating promotional graphics.
- Bug fixes that were discovered by hardcore gamers, who we didn't have access to for testing a decade ago.
- After 10 years, some Unity plugins needed to be updated and adapted.
- Also important to consider is that I ultimately decided against a mobile version and had to rework the game for desktops.
These factors ended up extending the process much more than I initially thought, but the figure of 3% had stuck with me from the beginning, illustrating how finishing touches often require a lot more time and effort than we might initially anticipate.
Number 1 and 2 are _so_ time consuming. The number of apps I’ve code completed, but not released, is too damn high.
I hate creating screenshots (and then get an error that I didn’t mean the exact size/ratio required), banner/store/promo graphics, icons, a short/long description, title/subtitle/promo title, and filling out all the questions the App Store/Play Store ask. I become so extremely lazy at that point.
- Releasing on platforms and setting up a Steam account.
- Marketing and creating promotional graphics.
- Bug fixes that were discovered by hardcore gamers, who we didn't have access to for testing a decade ago.
- After 10 years, some Unity plugins needed to be updated and adapted.
- Also important to consider is that I ultimately decided against a mobile version and had to rework the game for desktops.
These factors ended up extending the process much more than I initially thought, but the figure of 3% had stuck with me from the beginning, illustrating how finishing touches often require a lot more time and effort than we might initially anticipate.