Really, a $5.8 million dollar FTC settlement for a company with the market cap of Amazon, for spying on women in their homes. That’s not “take privacy seriously” level, that’s not even a mosquito bite on their net worth. Amazon was shamefully careless and the U.S. government isn’t even giving them a slap on the wrist. And for EFF to declare this as a victory is laughable. WTF
"Force" by way of a gentle slap on the wrist and stern words. I'm sure this will work out great for the suckers who bought ring cameras and the rest of us who are being recorded by our neighbor's dumb decisions.
It’s a scam. Recognize that most of the Big Tech firms freely share data with the feds. Further Bezos owns the US version of Pravda. That EFF calls it a victory is disappointing to say the least.