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They explicitly call this out in the article, but, how is what he’s doing any different than what we always were told reality TV was doing or gameshows do?

This is worlds better than casinos, sports betting, or any other form of gambling, IMO.

People are entertained through watching or participating and some are making big dollars.

My kids watch his videos because the algorithm feeds it to them and from what I’ve seen, I’d rather they be watching MrB than ads for DraftKings where they might believe that some day in the future their free $500 will make them rich. Or worse yet: state lotteries selling a dream for $2 and making millions off the stupidity of those who don’t understand basic stats because the education the lottery is supposedly funding doesn’t do a very good job.


> how is what he’s doing any different than what we always were told reality TV was doing or gameshows do?

It's not. Those things are bad too.

> My kids watch his videos because the algorithm feeds it to them and from what I’ve seen, I’d rather they be watching MrB than ads for DraftKings

I'm curious what your goal is here. It seems like you're disagreeing with me by saying "look, Mr. Beast is equivalent to/better than these other bad things, right?" I don't find your particular applications of whataboutism and false dichotomies terribly convincing or at all relevant to the discussion.

Like, you understand that "these other things are bad too" and "it's this or draftkings ads" are not substantive or relevant arguments, right?

I do appear to disagree with you, but you seem to fall into the camp where your mileage varies more than mine and that’s entirely ok.

A good point. It's disgraceful how broadcast sports have changed in the last five years to be all about gambling. MrBeast is marginally better than that at least.

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