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> Muslims

Muslims isn't a specific enough group.

I'm 100% perfectly cool with calling Al Qaeda or ISIS a hate group.


I'm 100% cool with calling the Westboro Baptist Church a Hate Group.

Just making them religious doesn't change them from being a hate group, or immune from criticism.

You missed the point. I was asking if a group that hated orthodox religious groups would be considered a hate group. You are addressing whether religious groups can be hate groups.

I'm trying my best to name real-life organizations that match my real-life experience here, and you're seemingly trying to come up with hypothetical examples that may or may not have any relevance to the real world.

Could you give me an example of these organizations that are giving you such trouble in classifying hate group vs not-hate group?


Like, who exactly are you trying to describe? Are you calling Militant Atheists a hate group (or a candidate for hate groups?) The Satanic Temple?

I'm certainly aware of militant atheist groups if that's where you're trying to go. All of them are "anti-religion", but I wouldn't call any of them a hate group. As a Catholic myself, I've had to deal with their anti-religion and anti-Christian bias. But I've never felt personally threatened, or physically threatened by them.

You aren't aware that LGBTQ+ advocacy groups are opposed to some religious groups? And that their their opposition is because of the religious beliefs? This is not a secret.

I literally listed The Satanic Temple (anti-religion, pro LGBTQ+ group) in my last post man.

Where are you going with this? I'm well aware of these groups and can even list them off by name. What problematic behavior do you want to discuss about The Satanic Temple, or other anti-religious groups?

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