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> I honestly have no idea why you believe that the members of your government are more fair/just/whatever than anyone else, including Musk. They're not, and that's why they should have limited power.

I'll just dip out of this conversation right here. We have a fundamentally different view of how society is built up, functions and should work.

> Your views may not be uncommon, but they're certainly not universal, and even if they were, that wouldn't make them correct, or even well thought out.


Ok, that's fair. Just to be clear I was not trying to insult you or your government. Just pointing out that the people that make up your government are very normal people with the same weaknesses and blind-spots as the rest of us.

At the risk of seeming like I need the last word and further risk of sounding very cliche, there is a quote by a man named Martin Niemöller, a German man, about a German government, that I believe, tells us in no uncertain terms, that the slippery slope fallacy is not a fallacy AT ALL, and that we should take government powers and limits extremely seriously.

You seem sincere. Know that I am too. I’m also open for being proven wrong and my entire reason for commenting is to hear good arguments that challenge my views. But also know that fundamentally, I have a lot of faith in our governmental institutions and I believe that this faith is precisely why these institutions can work. Faith isn’t naivety, faith is trust. If that trust is broken I’m willing to change my views. Til now it hasn’t been fundamentally broken. I’d have a different view if I was based in the US as your democracy is flawed and your two-party system does not represent your people in a satisfactory or stable way. Sadly, that's not an exception on a worldwide basis.

> Germany have criminalized basically any positive display/speech about their past tyrannical government.

Germany went through the worst case scenario of hate speech. Hate speech is strictly regulated there because they know the dangers it poses and how it can make normal people into monsters. While many factors went into the rise of Hitler, hate speech was a fundamental part of how precisely Hitler got to power. Hate speech enables populists power through simple emotional messaging. Any idiot can do it, and many do. And lots of people fall for it. I don’t want emotional messaging controlling our politics (precisely like what’s happening with the culture wars in the US) I want boring, research backed, evidence-based policy made and championed by bureaucrats and domain-experts with decades of experience.

There’s a reason hate speech is being researched and platforms are being forced to deal with the unmoderated hate speech of the 2010s. It has vast political power in the wrong hands. And it inevitably leads to shit policy.

I 100% support discussion about immigration or if identity politics has gone too far. I 100% support the deplatforming of voices that stigmatise, discriminate, silence and incite violence towards these minorities on major platforms.

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.”

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