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Looks like there was a general increase in complaints as lockdowns eased. From the data, there were upticks in anti-jewish, anti-gay, anti-muslim and more. Asians still saw relatively more of an uptick than other motivations.

That could be an increase in reporting. After all you'd expect the uptick to happen in 2020-- it was COVID-19 after all.

Also worth to know that anti-asian hate was also a narrative pushed by the CPC to label things like supporting Hong Kong democracy protests or criticizing uighur genocide as "anti-asian hate", which happened after the CPC noticed the effectiveness of BLM protests in sowing us discord (mid-2020) so to trust any stats post 2020 it would at least need to segregate the two use cases.

This is maybe more interesting.

Anti-Asian 2019: 0.2%

Anti-Asian 2020: 10%

Anti-Asian 2021: 25%

EDIT: Regarding an uptick in anti-jewish etc.

Anti-Jewish 2019: 57%

Anti-Jewish 2020: 43%

Anti-Jewish 2021: 37%

I take it these are percentages of all complaints? Because the number of complaints for anti-Jewish hate crimes was 116 in 2020, but 198 in 2021, so a definite increase, but hate crime overall basically doubled as well, so the relative amount to the total is lower.

> complaints for hate crimes

> hate crime

These are not the same thing and especially when comparing over time you need to take into account how the definitions for the categories themselves change.

yes that is what the trend I posted shows.

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