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Interesting product, thank you for your effort, definitely want to give it a try!

For me, thought, setting up a system is not the primary pain point today. FWIW, signing up for a cloud service is not hard.

The problem starts at the ingestion point. I am writing my apps according to 12 factors and running them in docker containers. What I want is an agent companion that will collect logs and metrics from these apps and containers and forward to the system. Datadog and Grafana has that, do OpenObserve?

Also, interesting that in your quickstart tutorial you have a step of unzipping logs file before sending to the system. I would suggest the ability to send them in (g)zipped format, as it is an organic format of keeping logs.

Got your point. We think that there are 3 really good agents out there that can be leveraged by anyone to capture and send telemetry data. These are Vector, fluentbit and Otel-collector. Between these 3 they can handle pretty much anything. If there is something that needs to be handled that these cannot handle then its easy enough to build plugins for fluentbit and otel-collector.

We did not want to reinvent the wheel and recommend that you use one of these.

quickstart tutorial does not reflect what you will do in real life scenario.

You will want to learn how to use log forwarders like fluentbit and vector. These are the ones that you will generally use in real life. These log forwarders read the log files and send them to OpenObserve. Here is a blog on how to use fluentbit to capture kubernetes logs using fluentbit and send them to OpenObserve - https://openobserve.ai/blog/how-to-send-kubernetes-logs-usin...

We will add more tutorials and examples soon.

Hope this helps.

Hi SergeAx, I am building Odigos, which do exactly what you asked :) We combine OpenTelemetry and eBPF to automatically generate and deliver distributed traces, metrics and logs to Grafana, DataDog and other 15+ destinations. Check it out here: https://github.com/keyval-dev/odigos

Hi, great to meet another builder here on HN) Am I understand correctly that your product is like grafana_agent, but vendor-agnostic?

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