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I have been trying to research alternative(s) - with limited success. For example book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Moose-Heads-Table-Karin-Tenelius/dp... , podcast: https://leadermorphosis.co/ , training: https://www.tuffleadershiptraining.com/ , jobs: https://info.jobswithnoboss.com/

At current workplace trying to subtly suggest/introduce that there’s an alternative way…

It's hard to convince the people with the power and money that they should get out of the way. If you're lucky, they are mostly unaffected by the structures of power and believe in "servant leadership". If you're unlucky, well, good luck.

I don't think you can make an existing company change it's stripes; you can only start a new one that believes in collective power and try to find a way to make that stick.

Maybe B Corps help? At least you can prioritize something other than maximizing shareholder value. But even then, I'm not sure how you deal with bad actors without some degree of strong power.

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