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Code and Programming Projects (chrisgregory.me)
36 points by surprisetalk on June 11, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I love the viz, screw usability it’s all about delight

The visualization looks cool, but it's not fun to use, not having an overview of all the project names really messes with my head, especially always having to scroll back up and not seeing what I'm clicking on.

Cute but terrible UI. I don't want to click a bunch of tiny dots, especially on mobile. I looked at a couple and left because it's so tedious, defeating the purpose of the page. Give me a scrollable list.

Funny, because I thought so too at first, but then I actually enjoyed clicking through almost all of the bubbles to explore what’s behind them. Not sure if a text list would have done the same to me. The categories gave me just enough information to make me curious without spoiling the fun of exploration.

Slightly unrelated but I wonder how much assist does Android OS level code give to users' taps? I always have a feeling that it has to and does a kind of guess what user intended whenever it can but does it really?

Having recently re-vamped my own online-projects portfolio (obligatory plug - https://www.lasselaursen.com/#projects-on-blog ), I think some images in the bubbles would not go amiss.

An approximate time axis at the bottom would also be helpful as a lot is left to be assumed by the reader.

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