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Hah, funny to see this on HN, I just tried this 3 days ago when I saw it being discussed on /r/selfhosted.

As someone running a homelab, and hadn't set up logging yet, it was a great find. I didn't have to learn and combine 3+ log technologies, it's just a single all-in-one monitoring server with web UI, dashboards, log filtering/search, etc. RAM usage of the Docker container was under 100MB.

Glad you liked it. Yeah, resource usage is so low that some folks are running it in their homelab even on a raspberry-pi.

How does this compare to Prometheus + Grafana + Loki?

We haven't compared resource usage against grafana stack. Rust is a lot more efficient than Go in general though.

The amount of times I've started building an ELK stack in my home lab just to get pissed and trash it! Will be giving this a go.

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