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> AI takes the power from creators to create, and gives it to the individuals of the world

AI gives everyone the exact same connect the dots and paint-by-numbers toolkit as everyone else. Creativity? If you think coloring outside the lines is creativity.

> whatever people ask for is going to have to be within the bounds of AI, but humans are not going to sit idly and let the AI determine what they get

Just like people didn't sit idly by and let social media or Wal*Mart determine what they get?

I kind of addressed your first comment in my original post when I talked about how people are not going to just use these tools and let them determine what they get, they're going to innovate and work on it had to and find creative uses for them as we always have for every tool we've got an access to.

For your other comment, Walmart is a tool of scale and cheapness. It's designed to provide you with what you want at the lowest price possible. If you want vibrant individuality, you need to go to a store like Etsy or get a 3D printer and go to some maker spaces, which all exist and are all doing quite well.

And at Walmart you have plenty of choice, yeah you don't have infinite choice, but it's Walmart. It's a physical good store, You go there because you have a budget and you have to stay under that budget.

I don't get your point about social media, it's one of the most competitive and innovative and ever spaces we've ever had in the history of humanity.

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