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Opinion: Does the U.S. Government Want You to Believe in U.F.O.s? (nytimes.com)
1 point by jger15 12 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I think they do not. But the feds are softening us up for a life on Mars announcement by teasing us with UFO sightings. Revealing UFOs as fakes will make it easier to accept non-DNA life on Mars.

That seems like a lot of complicated steps with zero gain. If there is non-DNA based life on Mars, "the feds" are entirely irrelevant in the discussion, and a simple announcement of "we found life on Mars and here's the evidence" would be sufficient.

Instead, we get days of absolute trash reporting about hearings and whistleblowers and "transdimensional" spacecraft. With zero evidence. Only hearsay, with one crackpot after the other claiming that the previous crackpot is super reliable. The whole thing sounds like an elaborate ad for Doctor Who rather than anything remotely serious.

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