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To be fair, it's realistically not too far off how most humans make "reccomendations" for packages.

Still doesn't mean that it should be trusted, though.

That is indeed the funniest (and slightly horrifying) thing. Even if you understand "glitch tokens"[1] (which is BTW the best way I've seen to explain to nontechnicals (hi, Dad!!) and also some subset of technicals (hi various friends of mine!! +_+...) that LLM applied statistics models aren't anything like sentient AGI)...

...regardless, ChatGPT and its ilk nevertheless do often already outperform "random human being coworker or uncle" at recommending just about anything... which is like Ted Chiang said[2], “That’s more a statement about how much bullshit we are required to generate and deal with in our daily lives.”

Although he was not referring to inputs from your (dumbass) coworkers/uncles, it still holds true.

[1]: https://youtu.be/WO2X3oZEJOA

[2]: https://archive.is/2023.06.04-050658/https://www.ft.com/cont...

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