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May I send you $50 per month?
1 point by itsmacr8 on June 9, 2023 | hide | past | favorite
I am working on a project called AuthenticSurvey. It collects data from users. Users provide feedback in the app for why they use this product over competitors' products, while companies (the company, their competitor, or new startups) leverage it to enhance their products. NOTE: It has to be a survey app so that we can bypass some government policies for future features I have in mind.

For instance, if you prefer Microsoft Edge browser, you can share feedback on why you choose it over Google Chrome or Firefox. These companies collect your input to enhance their products. Conversely, if you use Google Chrome on your mobile and are unaware of other browsers, these companies can offer surveys to educate you about alternative features and gather your insights.

Please note that this is currently a conceptual stage and has not been validated. I am seeking tech co-founders as it would be challenging for me to handle all the work single-handedly. If you are interested, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/itsmacr8/

The product demo: https://www.figma.com/proto/oSxDxtJ2V9XH8TACEVJY8D/authentic_survey_app?node-id=1-15275&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=1%3A15275&show-proto-sidebar=1

By the way, are you interested in an exclusive preview? Secure your spot on the waitlist now and be among the first to experience our prototype. Once it's ready for testing, we'll notify you with further instructions. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity! email: asifchowdhuryrafi@yahoo.com - subject (I want AuthenticSurvey)

Thank you,

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