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>So what’s your definition?

I say we take the word intelligence and throw it out the window. It's a bit like talking about the either before we discovered more about physics. We chose a word with an ethereal definition that may or may not apply depending on the context.

So what do we do instead? We define sets of capability and context and devise tests around that. If it turns out a test actually sucked or was not expansive enough, we don't get rid of that particular test. Instead we make a new more advanced test with better coverage. Under this domain no human would pass all the tests either. We could each individual sub test with ratings like 'far below human capability', 'average human capability', 'far beyond human capabilities'. These tests could be everywhere from emotional understanding and comprehension, to reasoning and logical ability, and even include embodiment tests.

Of course even then I see a day where some embodied robot beats the vast majority of emotional, intellectual, and physical tests and some human supremacist still comes back with "iTs n0t InTeLLigeNt"

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