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I am. I've been working on it for 3.5 years. It's open source and it's called Comment Castles [0]. I am currently in the process of changing the name to Comment Castles, the main instance is currently at the old name [1].

All the features work with front-end JavaScript turned off.

I am currently wrapping up the OAuth 2 server implementation so that we can have third party apps (no API fees!).

After I wrap up some remaining features I am going to move everything to commentcastles.org and forward the old site there.

It's currently text only (emojis allowed).

I do want to build good custom search but haven't really started on that task yet.

[0] https://github.com/ferg1e/comment-castles

[1] https://www.peachesnstink.com

skip the search engine for now. offload that to site:domain.com "search" on google. focus on your niche and delegate where you can. if you can't see why I am saying this, then you need somebody to help you prioritize cause search is not it when you can delegate it to google in less than a day.

This looks promising, I hope it gets some traction. Simple design much like HN.

ok... I have to ask about the old name. It really sounds like it should be chock full of NSFW images. Is there some other way to read it?

It was simply a poor name choice by me, didn't realize peaches meant butt (lol). Not to worry though, I will launch the new site/name ASAP.

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