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> Ugh can't wait until either Linux is accessible enough for non-programmers and advanced users

My 8 year old and 12 year old are both fine using Linux, so I wouldn't call them advanced or technical. What do you need it to do that you can't?

[Edit] Somehow I missed the blind part. I haven't tried those accessibility functions, though I would have thought that corporate customers would have required that so they don't get sued.

For me all the programs from adobe creative suite not working is the biggest reason why I'm hesitant to switch.

> accessible enough for non-programmers and advanced users

I mean unless you also discredit Windows and MacOS as being accessible because there exist pro applications that aren't present on those platforms, Im not sure what your point is.

Gimp, Inkscape, Krita, etc...

They have a SaaS offering, wouldn't it work from a linux box ?

I've tried the online versions, and they're not even close to being a replacement for the proper desktop applications.

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