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Apple Game Porting Toolkit (github.com/apple)
5 points by argsnd on June 6, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Apple seems to be bundling Wine and a D3D12 translation layer(?) to help game devs bring their titles to macOS. Seems like quite an interesting development to me.

Yeah, this is actually pretty neat. It would be interesting to see how it works under the hood, and how much developer participation is required.

So many questions, too. How does it compete with Codeweavers' solution? How does it compare to Proton? How far back will they promise API coverage, and will old Win32 games run with it?

With any luck, this may enable a Lutris or Bottles-style gaming frontend on Mac again.

I did jump the gun a little on posting this here, there's a WWDC session on it that's meant to start at 8AM PDT[1] (about half an hour from now) so hopefully there's a lot more information in that.

[1] https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10123/

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