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In Ruby-on-Rails it's part of the authentication framework Devise https://github.com/tinfoil/devise-two-factor and related modules including creating QR codes, backup codes etc. PHP Laraval has similar libraries https://jetstream.laravel.com/2.x/features/two-factor-authen...

Auth0 and similar commercial companies might very good at marketing. Try replacing "API" with "library" or a programming language name.

> It's just not valuable enough for anyone to create

For a commercial API you need to charge $10 USD/month, or equivalent in terms of per-API-call, otherwise your service won't be profitable. You call 5 US cent already expensive, so I think you're right, it's not valuable enough.


- Both libraries are not quite stand-alone a true stand-alone would be API-based (maybe include SDKs). My search comes up empty.

- How'd you determine the $10 USD / month number?

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