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Unless I'm missing something somewhere on this site... this is a summary about the book by Erin Meyer [0]. But I ctrl+F'd and I don't see the name Erin Meyer anywhere on this page, nor do I see a link to another site or where to buy the book. I think that giving such a detailed summary + excerpts of a book on a site and not linking it is a bit shitty.

In regards to the book points, the last one reminds me of another great book on cultural differences by Michelle Gelfand titled "Rule Makers, Rule Breakers" [1] on her theory about 'Tight' and 'Loose' societies. As someone who has lived and worked in several very different parts of the world (and called very different places 'home' at various times in life) the book went a long way to giving context on why I feel different in different places (I'm from a 'tight' society but now spend much of my time living in locales that tend to be 'loose' but always feel a bit alien due to never being able to shake the want of 'tightness' aka rules, order, timeliness and predictability.)

[0] https://www.amazon.com/Culture-Map-Breaking-Invisible-Bounda...

[1] https://www.amazon.com/Rule-Makers-Breakers-Tight-Cultures/d...

I was also confused by the lack of mention of the author's name -- it's a very odd omission.

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